About us


About us


About us


Why did you create this website?

This website was created in collaboration with the patient organization UVSD SchmerzLOS e.V. and the German Pediatric Pain Centre. We came up with the idea for the site within the scope of the CHAP project. CHAP stands for “Chronic Headache in Adolescents: The Patient Perspective on Health Care Utilization”. CHAP is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (BMBF grant number 01GY1615). In previous CHAP studies, we found that many children and adolescents have headaches, and that lifestyle factors may play a significant role. The more adolescents know about headaches, the better equipped they will be to do something about them.They have the ability to address the lifestyle factors contributing to their headaches.

This is where UVSD SchmerzLOS e.V. comes in. The UVSD SchmerzLOS e.V. received funding from the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) to create a website presenting all the important facts about headaches in children and adolescents. To do this, we used a lot of content previously developed in the CHAP project. With the support of the TK, we’ve turned this content into an exciting, interactive website.

How do I use the website?

There is a lot to discover… not only for young people with headaches, but also for people who want to prevent getting a headache in the first place. Read about what you find interesting and exciting. If you have a headache but don’t know what type it is, check out the home page first, especially the video called “Headache 101”. If you already know that you have either tension-type headaches or migraines, explore their respective pages to learn more about how you can better cope with them. Even if you’ve never experienced headaches, there’s information here to help you keep it that way.


Who are the people behind this website?

We are members of the research team at the German Pediatric Pain Centre. Those of us responsible for the CHAP project are: Dr. Julia Wager, Anna Könning and Lisa Rau. Henrike Brunsmann, Andrea Beissenhirtz and Dr. Julia Wager created this website in collaboration with UVSD SchmerzLOS e.V. and supported by TK.

To create the English version of this website we collaborated with Dr. Allison Smith, who works in the Pediatric Headache Program at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Website graphics were developed with Bone Buddrus (www.boneillustration.de), who executed them with great passion and artistic skill. He was supported by Ceyda Şimşek (c.simsek@mail.de).

Learn more about headaches on the following pages.


Tension-type headaches

Here you will find information about the most common type of headache, the tension-type headache.

Learn more



Learn more about migraines and everything that goes with them!

Learn more


Manage your headaches

Find helpful tips and strategies to reduce or eliminate headaches.

Learn more